Welcome to our website dedicated
to African Hounds - Azawakhs
My name is Judyta Kwaśniewska-Kaliszewicz.
For more than 22 years I have been interested in the azawakhs. Since 2000
I have been living in different countries and travelled within Europe. Since
2003 together with my first azawakh girl Tatrit, and then since 2006 with one
more boy Tarat. Living and travelling with 2 sighthounds is not easy but it
gives the opportunity to know the countries your are in from a different
perspective: you learne about the attitude of the natives towards animals and
towards people who have them. Animals just like kids, are often putting
themselves in troubles, they hurt, they get sick. One needs to be able to find
the proper veterinary care in each country.
Trough a rare genetic problem of Tarat I learned about the
veterinary standards in Germany, Czech, Hungary and Poland. The fact that Tarat
is still alive and is able to run and enjoy life like a healthy dog is a result
of a joint effort of vets from all these countries.

Today I live in Poland, in
My website is supposed to be an expert service dedicated to
the azawakh breed and to kynology in general. My knowledge gained in this
particular breed can be transferred to some extend to the whole area of
kynology. Also my father was active in this field, as he bred welsh terriers.
His kennel was called “Pielesz” as this is the name of our family’s crest. His
kennel bred only one litter. It was enough to learn how difficult it is to breed
dogs when you want to keep the highest standards of health.
I would like to serve with advice to people who search
knowledge about what kynology is all about. I do not plan to breed dogs. Therefore I believe I can stay objective.
I would like to thank Katarzyna Lazar for helping me build this website
and putting lots of her efforts, skills, time and heart into this project.
I'd like to wish all the best to you, Kate, but also to your family and
all Whippets of The LAZARUS Kennel. I'd like to encourage all dog lovers,
and especially Sighthound lovers to visit the LAZARUS website
one would find a great deal of real life dogs' history, plenty of Whippet
celebrities and beauties described in a uniquely warm manner, filled with
dedication and love for dogs.