Genetic Impoverishment of the Azawakh Breed
Written by
Elisabeth Naumann
Translated by Nicole Holland
text: (Shortened text taken from a presentation held at the Azawakh
meeting in DWZRV on 25th of January 2003.)
There was an outcry within the Azawakh community during the summer of
2002. Some of the committee members of the French SLAG had suggested
improving the breed by selectively cross breeding the Azawakh with the
Sloughi. The genetic pool of Azawakh was said to be too small in Europe.
Are those worries founded? What are the reasons? And what is there to be
done (if at all necessary)? Before I deal with the questions above, let me
first explain, as simply as possible, some of the very basics of
The cell - the foundation material
The cell consists of cell body and cell nucleus. The latter is a carrier
of genetic information material. It contains kernel threads or chromosomes,
which always exist in pairs. The dog has 78 chromosomes, therefore 39
chromosome pairs
The hereditary material is divided into units. They are called
microsatellites and are genetic mark stones. The dog possesses 50.000 of
those microsatellites. Each microsatellite has its own special place on
the chromosome and this varies from dog to dog. The closer two dogs are
related to one another the more similar will their microsatellites be.

Picture 1:
Homozygous allele pair - Heterozygous allele pair
Genes - the carrier of genetic information
The smallest units of genetic information are genes. Chromosomes do not
exist individually, they are always made up of pairs - homozygous- each
gene belonging to another partner-gene or homozygous gene (allele).
We assume that dogs have more than 100.000 allele pairs, and therefore
200.000 genes. The section where two alleles are located on one chromosome
is called gene location (gene locus). A specific gene can always be found
in the same location on a chromosome. And this specific gene will always
influence one specific characteristic/trait and only ever this one. One
chromosome from a chromosome pair stems from the father and the other from
the mother. The male and the female dog contribute each half of the genes.
One allele can suppress another one, which affects the hereditary result.
If such an allele occupies a mixed hereditary gene location, the weaker
allele will be suppressed and the stronger, more dominant gene determines
the phenotype. Those genes, which cannot push through are called recessive
Recessive traits/characteristics can only be seen in the descendants of
mixed hereditary dogs, if their carrier in one animal is pure hereditary.
This means that those genes are located in pairs at the same gene location.
This fact plays a vital role when we look at hereditary defects, as quite
a number of those are inherited recessively. If an allele pair contains
the same genetic information the dog is considered for this specific trait
homozygous. Should the alleles for this characteristic be different, the
dog is then considered for this trait heterozygous. The genetic make-up of
a dog is in parts pure hereditary (homozygous) and in other parts mixed
hereditary (heterozygous). Dogs where all traits and characteristics are
homozygous do not exist.
In accordance with genetics
When we look at the effects of hereditary factors, we can differentiate
between the following possibilities:
1.) One
gene influences one trait.
2.) One gene influences more than one trait.
3.) A number of genes influence the shaping of a trait, in this case we
speak of a polygenetic hereditary make-up, polygenetic or multifactor
Usually not only one specific gene is responsible for
certain traits or characteristics, but it is the combination of a number
of different genes. Such a polygenetic hereditary make-up is the basis of
nearly all quantitative traits and characteristics. The later could be the
height, weight and the degree of back legs, performance - and natural
Qualitative characteristics are fur and fur color.
Additive genes can only be determined in appearance if they fulfill a
certain minimum number (threshold). Such threshold effects can also be
seen when dealing with hereditary defects. Some defects are changes (mutations)
of healthy genes, which were passed on recessively. Often they stay hidden
for generations. Matching two mutations will bring this phenomenon to
Heredity degree of different characteristics in percentages
(taken from Hansen, Vererbung am Hund, 2001)
% |
Heredity in Heredity |
Area of Reproduction
Fertility |
10-15% |
low |
Size of Litter |
10-20% |
low |
Quality of Semen |
15% |
low |
Anatomical characteristics |
30-65% |
medium to high |
Shoulder Height |
40-65% |
high |
Length of Body |
40% |
medium |
Depth of Chest |
50% |
high |
Length of Fang |
50% |
high |
Area of Behavior
Hunting disposition |
10-30% |
low to medium |
Temperament |
30-50% |
medium to high |
Nervousness |
50% |
high |
Fear |
45-60% |
high |
Sensitivity to Shooting |
60-70% |
very high |
Disposition for Tracks |
46% |
high |
Ability to Scent |
39% |
medium |
Protective Testing (?) |
10% |
low |
Combined Behavior Characteristics |
27-44% |
medium |
The heredity is the influence of the phenotype through the genetic type.
This can vary between 0 - 100%. Hardly any characteristic is hereditary
100% (please also compare Claude Gaillard, Der Zuchtwart, in: Rassehund,
December 2002).
Selective breeding is the way to enhance or suppress traits and
characteristics. The seemingly easy rule in breeding tells us that only
those individuals should be bred with, which combine the favorable traits
and characteristics in a breed and which come as close as possible to
fulfilling the breeds standards. Of course there will always be questions
on how sensible a breed standard really is and who should determine a
breed development.

this Azawakh male displays in his native country the typical
characteristics of a desired build such as a broad front, strong front
legs, lower line in ship… form, prominent head, strong lower jaws. These
characteristics are because of their high grade of heredity very easily
lost in their phenotype due to tight breeding methods.

Azawakh skull (Beliregion, Westafrica), strong teeth and
well-developed lower jaw are part of the "survival equipment" in the
native country of the Azawakh.
Usually breeders have a vast pool of non-related breeding individuals to
choose from. This is especially important when genetic mistakes show
within a homozygous selection and therefore need to be corrected. These
possibilities can only be applied to the Azawakh breed, due to its fewer
and more limited numbers, to a certain extent. Selection always means
genetic changes and losses. Selective and repeated selection changes the
frequency of occurrence of specific genes within the whole breeding
When deciding upon genetic losses one has to look closely at the breeding
animal and also seek help through inbreeding coefficients and ancestral
loss coefficients. The inbreeding coefficient determines by which
percentage the heterozygous has decreased and the homozygous has increased
within a dog comparable to the breeding average. The formula of
calculation by weight of the inbreeding coefficients (IK) reads as follows:
The ancestral loss coefficients (AVK) (formula designed by Prof. Schlegel,
University of Vienna) are the quotient out of a number of uniquely found
ancestors within the overall group of ancestors.
Example: Within a group of the third still know generation are only eight
out of 14 ancestors different individuals, then the quotient for this
group will be 8:14=0,55. This means an ancestral loss of 55 percent .An
AVK of 60 for example means a loss of heterozygous of 40%.
Going back to the question from the beginning " The genetic impoverishment
of the Azawakh breed?" I have analyzed the European stock (about 900
individuals between 1999 to 2001) with taking the IK and AVK into account.
In order to gain an annual average figure, all documented individuals were
given their IK and AVK. These figures were then added and divided by the
figure of entries.
The result shows a steady decline of the AVK figure for the Azawakh
population in France. Towards the end of the 1990's the AVK has sunk under
the genetic threshold of 70 percent. In accordance to this development the
inbreeding coefficient increased over its critical figure of 20 percent.
There is the serious development of the so called "bottle neck effect" to
be witnessed where we went from the initial wide genetic range of the
Azawakh imports out of colonial Africa to a situation which is not
correctable by the dramatic narrowing of the genetic material of the
current French breeding.

Graphic 2: IK - and AVK distribution on the example of the French breeding

Graphic3: IK - and AVK distribution on the example of German breeding
The German breeding started in the 1970's in quite a similar situation in
which the French population is currently. Due to the incorporation of
Azawakh's from France and imports from Africa, the German breeding seems
to be much safer and increasing since the 1990's. Obviously there can be a
discrepancy of this statistical average between different breeders and
bloodlines (please see graphic 4 - 6).
Homozygous is considered within normal breeding activity of pets as the
key to optimizing a breed. Inbreeding means to make dogs and their genetic
material homozygous. The bigger the IK, the bigger the possibility that
descendants will be homozygous in certain genes. There is obviously an
open question on which genes will be homozygous by such breeding - the
favorable ones or also the unfavorable genes. To act like this within a
breed which is already few in numbers and genetically limited could have
serious consequences, namely the collapse of the breed as a whole.
Recessive genes in mostly polygenetic heredity often determine genetic
errors. The most undesired characteristics or traits, which occur within a
homozygous bloodline, are hereditary mistakes. Only descendants of
breeding individuals, who carry the recessive hereditary genetically
faulty homozygous material, show this in their phenotype. That is the
reason why a characteristic, which, through inbreeding, should have been
strengthened, is coupled with a faulty characteristic, which is
undesirable. Or it is the other way around- the genes which are non -
desirable and which one wishes to eliminate through inbreeding are coupled
with a gene which is most desirable. In a small kennel the advantages and
disadvantages come very quickly to light.
By rebuilding a new breeding population, inbreeding can very quickly
manifest itself (often arbitrarily) in breed characteristics defined by
breeders and the kennel clubs. If further inbreeding takes place more
disadvantages will show, this can be described with the term of inbreeding
Negative results with inbreeding do not occur overnight, nor do they show
in a multitude or all at the same time. Some bloodlines seem to have a
higher level of inbreeding tolerance than others, before negative effects
do show. Even in very tight bloodline breeding with relatively high IK and
AVK, genetic mistakes can stay hidden over a long period of time. They can,
through genetic luck, stay within certain limitations or only show certain
physical or psychological characteristics, which are not that obvious to
breeder or owner alike, or are simply tolerated. This could have quite
dramatic effects as those negative results on the phenotype und behavior
could influence both judges and the public luring them into a sense of
belief that those characteristics are natural and on the whole desirable.
Partly through that, the broadness of the "breeding philosophy" is
astonishing high. As an example we could look at the IK - and AVK
statistics of litters of three Azawakh breeders.

Graphic 4: IK- and AVK distribution at the example of an inbreeding kennel

Graphic 5: IK- and AVK distribution at the example of outcrossing

Graphic 6: IK- and AVK distribution at the example of a bloodline kennel
Tight or inbreeding does not necessarily lead to the end of the pole,
especially if IK and AVK get back in balance through timely outcrossing.
The threshold for IK stands at the mark of ten and the AVK threshold is
believed to be at a figure of 75. Tight - and inbreeding means, in any
case, unrecoverable genetic losses and the risk of undesirable and illness
causing changes.
I presume that the French kennel club had those dangers in mind (graphic
5). Then their diagnosis would have been objectively correct, but their
proposal to change these developments by breeding Sloughi into the Azawakh
bloodline in order to achieve a genetical extension cannot be the right
way. The real alternative, as already practiced by the German kennel club,
is to bring in the original hereditary information of the Azawakh breed.